Kyra_kun Art

Thank you for visiting any of my social medias, and also for liking my art, if you have any questions you can send me an emial: [email protected]
in which i will try to answer as fast as i can.

Commissions Prices

Sketch Types:The prices are per character:Bust: $20
HalfBody: $30
Fullbody: $40
sketch will be either greyscale or colorscale.

Manga Style:The prices are per character:Bust: $30
HalfBody: $40
Fullbody: $60
Manga style, only on grayscales.

Full Color Type:The prices are per character:Bust: $40
HalfBody: $65
Fullbody: $80

-Add Character =$15 (this applies for 2 or more characters)
-Background detailed =$50
-Commersial work payment is 500% of the price base
Normally I will either use a box color, or i put nothing.

Terms of Services

-(this may/will change without notices)-- the prices also applied for NSFW. +18
-You must need to be over 18 or above minimum age of your country to request my services.
-All the artwork will be and only for personal use only. If you plan on using the image commercially, my price go up to 500% of the original price.-I have the right to use the work commissioned as a portfolio, i mostly only publish the work only for demonstration purpose. I may show, distribute, edit the image(s) as I see fit, unless we agree on some terms some rules over it. Also, I retain all rights to any and all artwork I do (except for fanart commission, involving copyrighted characters and commercial commissions ).-The prices for commissions will depend mostly on the complexity of the artwork, it may be higher or lower-All mediums are digital, method of payment: Paypal-if by any means, the artist cant finish the art (meaning past the sketch stage) i have the raight to keep the half payment. only this will be override when the commissioner have pay full prices first, in this case half the paymant will be reimburse and by all means the commissioner will be notified.-Contact: [email protected] Or Dm to KyraSama#7378/kyrakun on discord